It’s been a long time since we have posted and for that I can only apologise! It was always our intention to keep this blog up to date but I will be honest, sometimes it just felt like a mammoth effort to put pen to paper and much quicker to just upload to Facebook and Instagram! And even then we cheated and just uploaded to the ‘gram and let it automatically share to Facebook!!
So much has happened since we left the UK in Sept 2021 and so I am going to make a concentrated effort to share some of it here on the blog so that you can get an insight and also for our own benefit as a lasting memoir of our adventure! Which is far from over!
So for now this is just a short ‘check in’ kind of blog post just to say hello and to ask you to stick around as we properly start blogging back on here in the way it was meant to be!
There are many people who blog on #vanlife and I always wanted to blog on #caravanlife as it get’s a bad rap from the van lifers who occasionally look down on us, not realising we CHOSE this way to travel because we love it and it works for us as a family!
Plus we get to feel so smug when we don’t have to pack up the whole caravan to nip to the shop and if our van breaks down and needs to be in a garage we haven’t lost our whole home!!
Anyway I think that is a whole new blog post!
Should you chose a caravan or a camper/motorhome for your travels??
Oooooh I get asked this one a lot so watch this space!
Until then, it’s Nikki here signing our from Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria!