So one of the of the questions we get asked is ‘how do you manage to sleep in a small caravan with a baby or a toddler?’ Now I’m not gonna lie, when Raifey joined the family, I even asked myself the same question! Were we NUTS to consider trying to continue our caravan adventures with a baby in tow? How the hell do you manage?
We were determined that giving up our caravan adventures was definitely NOT on the cards so we had to work out how to make it happen. The biggest hurdle…..where will he sleep?? Let’s be honest, caravans are small!
Basically, at home we were using a Sleepyhead Delux little bed, if you haven’t seen these before then you NEED to check them out! It was an absolute godsend for us and we wouldn’t have managed any other way. We had Raif in a co-sleeper called a Bednest at home. It was fantastic and we hired it! Why pay for this stuff when you can hire it for around £80 with a brand new mattress and then just send it back when you are finished. But Raif was a complete wriggler and liked to be even closer to you for him to sleep. So we invested in the Sleepyhead Delux so that he could safely co-sleep with us. It’s absolutely perfect for those early months when he can’t get too far! It also meant that we could ALL get some sleep. Anyway, we decided that the Sleephead Delux would be absolutely perfect for the caravan, just literally rinsing and repeating what we did at home! Doesn’t he look to cute and peaceful!

This worked so well until the cute baby turned into the cute moving baby turning into a toddler! Then we were royally stuffed! We now needed to keep the little pocket rocket contained! We then experimented with the pop up travel cot and a bed guard that had belonged to Laanii way before we had a caravan. We gave it a go and so far its been working great! We are a few months in and we have no need to re think this! I think when the time comes we will just lose the pop up cot and then just be able to leave the bed guard up. When Laanii first went in the caravan at around 2.5 years we just used the bed guard so I think our current set up will do well for another year ish!
Anyway here’s a little vid of our set up in Myrtle from last nights little adhoc sleepover. We have exactly the same set up for Raif in Lionel. Ours is a samsonite pop up cot but I think Koodi do a similar one too although we’ve not tried that one!
Hope that answers your question!
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